Zombie Walk

It’s that time of year again folks! The time when Edmontonians call upon the undead to infest the streets. However, this year is no different than the others and it seems that either we fail to get infected with some zombification virus or we just don’t have enough black magicians handy therefore we have an obvious lack of real zombies. This does not deter us though! Seeing as going without a zombie invasion would be heresy we make due with the next best thing: dressing up as zombies! Yes that right folks you heard right, citizens of Edmonton and area will compensate for lack of zombies by imitating our undead brethren.

We call it the Zombie Walk. So slap on your tattered dirty clothes, cover yourself in fake blood, practice your moan, perfect your stagger and meet up with everyone for an adventure filled evening of eating brains, getting shot with shotguns and being generally mindless! What fun! After wandering about the city searching for some fresh flesh to indulge upon, all zombie-wannabes are welcome to the zombie prom for a staggeringly good time!

When I heard of such a fantastic event it seemed to me that there was no way that I would miss it. After all, I do love zombies. But WOE IS ME!!! For I can no longer partake in such an activity. This is because I have homework, and work, and midterms and I’m sick and I lack an acceptable costume. I am sad.

Regardless! If you have no excuse to not attend this event then you shall be eaten by zombies!

Moan on.

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